Saturday, February 2, 2013

Song: Ain't Got No (I Got Life) :: Nina Simone ::

Workshop: music and diction

1. The following words appear in the song Ain't Got No (I Got Life) by Nina Simone. Classify them into different groups:

feet - shoes - legs - mouth - chin - mother - cigarettes brothers - clothes - ears - head - schooling - money - hand - lips





2. Listen to the song Ain't Got No (I Got Life) and fill in the gaps with the missing words:

Ain't got no home, ain't got no (1)

Ain't got no
  ain't got no class
Ain't got no friends, ain't got no

Ain't got no work, ain't got no job
Ain't got no money, no place to stay

Ain't got no father, ain't got no

Ain't got no children, ain't got no sisters or 
Ain't got no earth, ain't got no faith
Ain't got no church, ain't got no God
Ain't got no love

Ain't got no wine, no (6)

No clothes, no country
No class, n(7)

No friends, no nothing
Ain't got no God

Ain't got one more
Ain't got no earth, no home

No food, no home

I say ain't got no clothes, no job

No nothing, ain't nowhere to live

And ain't got no love

What have I got?

What have I got?

Let me tell you what I got

That nobody is gonna take away

I got my hair, got my (8)
Got my brains, my (9)

My eyes, my nose and my
I got my (10)

I got my tongue, my

My neck, my boobies

My heart, my soul and my back,

I got my sex

I got my arms, my (12)
My fingers, my (13)

My feet, my toes and my liver,

Got my blood

I've got life, I've got laughs

I've got headaches and toothaches

And bad times too like you

I got my hair, my (14)
my brains, my (15)
My eyes, my nose and my (16)

I got my smile
And it's my smile

I got my tongue, my
(17 )

My neck, my boobies

My heart, my soul and my back,

I got my sex

I got my arms, my
My fingers, my (19)

My feet, my toes and my liver,

Got my blood

I've got life

I've got my freedom

I've got life

3. Discuss
What's the meaning of ain't got no?
What's the meaning of the song?

4. Vowel sounds
Put the words in the correct column.

freedom - feet - liver - toothache - fingers - back - shoes - legs - mother - chin - head - schooling - money - hands - country - job - class - laughs - love - tongue - nothing - blood - arms - neck - heart - live - more - earth - father - sisters - brothers - friends - bad - tell - have -  got - work - children - God - away



/b/ and /v/sounds

  1. Practice these tongue twisters. Good luck!
Practice /v/

Victor’s friend Vincent lives in Vienna.
Vincent vowed vengeance very vehemently.
Which is worse verse - Victor's verse or Vincent's verse?

Practice /b/

Betty and Bob brought back blue balloons from the big bazaar.
A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood.
Brad's big black bath brush broke.

2. Game: tongue twister competition

Work in group. Create tongue twisters and practice them. The group that creates the largest number of tongue twisters in 5 minutes is the winner! You must read them quiclky! Good luck!
You can use some of these words for your tongue twisters:

very -  van - voice - beautiful - baby - bus - live - love - balloon - black - blue - violet - boy - brush - big - beggar - boots - boat - box - brilliant - have - advanced - vegetables - virtual - TV - river - vanilla - vase - vehicle - vegetarian - vet - video - view - village - vinegar - visit - vocabulary - vodka - vitality - vote - volcano - break - best - beg - bed - bee - business - button - buy - bike - boss - both - body - board - blood - blouse - blond - bird - beer - bear - bass - bag -bar - basket - baseball - bubble - burn - buffalo - bug - boomerang - barrel - bad

3. Watch this video about the tongue twister Betty Botter. Can you sing it?

Betty Botter bought a bit of butter
But she said this bit of butter's bitter, bitter
But a bit of better butter mixed with this butter bitter
just might make my bit of bitter butter better.

Music and diction
1. Game: Listen to some verses of songs in English which have “hidden messages in Spanish”. Can you write the verses in English? Work in group. Enjoy the songs!

Christopher Cross “All Right”
Dire Straits “Money For Nothing”
The Doors “Roadhouse Blues”
Michael Jackson “Billie Jean”
Eagles “Hotel California”
U2 “One”

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