Wednesday, April 17, 2013

April 29th :: Animal's Day in Argentina ::

 * Photos: Marilina Tranier

In Argentina the Animal's Day it is celebrated on April 29th as a tribute to the death (in 1926) of Dr. Lucas Ignacio Albarracín. Albarracín was, along with Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, one of the founders of the Sociedad Argentina Protectora de Animales (Argentine Society of Protection of Animals) and the proponent of the National Law on Protection of Animals (No. 2786).
World Animal's Day is celebrated each year on October the 4th. It started in Florence, Italy in 1931 at a convention of ecologists. On this day, animal life in all its forms is celebrated, and special events are planned in locations all over the globe. The 4th of October was originally chosen for World Animal's Day because it is the feast day of Francis of Assisi, a nature lover and patron saint of animals and the environment. Numerous churches throughout the world observe the Sunday closest to October the 4th with a Blessing of the Animals. 
World Animal's Day, however, has now gone beyond being the celebration of a Christian saint and is today observed by animal-lovers of all beliefs, nationalities and backgrounds. Animal blessings are held in churches, synagogues, and by independent animal chaplains in parks and fields.
Animal rescue shelters hold fundraising events and open days, wildlife groups organize information displays, schools undertake animal-related project work and individuals and groups of friends or co-workers donate to animal charities or pledge to sponsor a shelter animal.

* adapted from Wikipedia

 Animal's rights

The text of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF ANIMAL RIGHTS has been adopted from the International League of Animal Rights and Affiliated National Leagues in the course of an International Meeting on Animal Rights which took place in London from 21st to 23rd September 1977.

Article 1
All animals are born equal and they have the same rights to existence.
Article 2
a) Every animal has the right to be respected.
b) Man, like the animal species, cannot assume the right to exterminate other animals or to exploit them, thereby violating this right. He should use his conscience for the service of the animals.
c) Every animal has the right to consideration, good treatment and the protection of man.
Article 3
a) No animal should be submitted to bad treatment or cruel actions.
b) If the death of an animal is necessary, this should be sudden and without fear or pain.
Article 4
a) All animals belonging to a wild species have the right to live free in their natural environment, and have the right to reproduce.
b) Each deprivation of freedom, even for educational purposes, is in opposition to this right.
Article 5
a) Every animal that usually lives in a domestic environment must live and grow to a rhythm natural to his species.
b) Any change to this rhythm and conditions dictated by man for mercantile purpose, is a contradiction of this law.
Article 6
a) All animals selected by man, as companions must have a life corresponding to their natural longevity.
b) To abandon an animal is a cruel and degrading action.
Article 7
Working animals must only work for a limited period and must not be worked to exhaustion. They must have adequate food and rest.
Article 8
a) Experiments on animals that cause physical and mental pain, are incompatible with animal rights, even if it is for medical, scientific, commercial or any other kind of experiment.
b) A substitute technique must be investigated and developed.
Article 9
In the eventuality of an animal bred for food, it must be fed, managed, transported and killed without it being in fear or pain.
Article 10
a) No animal should be used for entertainment.
b) Animal exhibitions and shows that use animals are incompatible with an animal’s dignity.
Article 11
Every action that causes the unnecessary death of an animal, is cruel which is a crime against life.
Article 12
a) Every action that causes the death of a lot of wild animals is genocide, that is a crime against the species.
b) Pollution and destruction leads to the extinction of the species.
Article 13
a) Dead animals must be treated with respect.
b) Violent scenes, where animals are the victims, must be forbidden at the cinema and on TV, unless they are for the demonstration of animal rights.
Article 14
a) Protection and safeguarding associations must be represented at government level.
b) Animal rights must be defended by law as are human rights.

* adapted from

. Are these rights respected in your country? 
. Do you know any group of people who look after animals?  What do they do?

. Do you have pets?
. What animals do you like?
. If you were an animal, which one would you like to be? Why?

There are many idioms about animals.  Are there any similar expressions or phrases in your native language?
Idiom Meaning Example Sentence
ants in one's pants unable to sit still or remain calm out of nervousness or excitement Lisa had ants in her pants the day before her interview.
(the) birds and the bees sex education I learned about the birds and the bees when my baby brother was born.
cat nap a short sleep I'm going to have a cat nap while you're cooking dinner.
cat's got one's tongue said about someone who doesn't speak (usually due to shyness) It looks like the cat's got your tongue, Lucy. Are you always this quiet?
chicken out to decide not to do something out of fear (usually just before) I was going to take a ride on Geoff's motorcyle, but I chickened out when he gave me a helmet to wear.

copy cat a person who does the same thing as someone else My sister is such a copy cat. First she bought the same car as me, and now she's applying to my school.
dog days very hot days I sleep in the basement during the dog days of August.
dropping like flies dying/giving up quickly My roses are dropping like flies in this early frost.
eager beaver a person who is excited about doing certain work Ever since he got his new drill set my husband has been an eager beaver around the house.
fishy odd, suspicious I knew something fishy was going on when I saw all of my friends' cars in my mom's driveway.
have a cow get extremely upset (often over something minor) My teacher had a cow when she realized nobody had done the homework.
hold your horses wait and be patient Hold your horses! I'll be done in the washroom in a minute.
holy cow! Wow, I'm surprised! Holy cow! I can't believe you ate everything on your plate.
horse around play roughly If you're going to horse around, please go outside.
get the lion's share get the greatest percentage My aunt got the lion's share of the inheritance.
in the dog house in trouble with another person I don't think Marsha is coming out tonight. She's still in the dog house for forgetting Aaron's birthday.
kill two birds with one stone get two things done at once If you pick the groceries up when you drop George off for his shift, you will kill two birds with one stone.
kitty corner diagonal direction The gas station is kitty corner to the library.
let the cat out of the bag reveal a secret Who let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party?
(a) little bird told me I heard something (usually secretive or unknown) from someone (not named) A little bird told me that you are thinking of quitting your job.
make a beeline go straight for something My grandma made a beeline for the smoking room as soon as she got off the airplane.
monkey see, monkey do silly/unintelligent people tend to copy each other's actions Our one-year-old is saying bad words now. I told my husband, "Monkey see, monkey do!"
nest egg money saved for the future We have a nest egg that we might have to use if Jim goes on sick leave.
pig out eat a lot of something I pigged out on pancakes so I don't have room for lunch.
raining cats and dogs raining heavily I forgot my umbrella, and it was raining cats and dogs.
rat race fierce, competitive struggle for power, position etc I'm ready to leave this rat race and retire in Mexico.
smell a rat begin to suspect trickery etc I asked my brothers not to tell my parents that I went out, but I could smell a rat as soon as I opened the door.
straight from the horse's mouth directly from the original source I know Jenny is pregnant, because I heard it straight from the horse's mouth.
take the bull by the horns face a challenge or danger boldly If you really think you deserve a promotion, you'll have to take the bull by the horns.
until the cows come home for a very long time I could eat pizza and ice-cream until the cows come home.

Do you have a good memory? Do you remember the meaning of these idioms? Do the Animal Idioms Quiz at and find it out! Good luck!

Game: What do you know about animals?



  1. In our country these rights are not respectede because our society does not do what you should do.
    We don't know. we don't have pets. We like the dogs and the cheetah.If we are an other animal, we want to be a whiteschark or a dog.

  2. 1) We think the animals of my contry are not very respected because they use them to carry carts, etc.
    2) Yes, We know GREENPEACE. They protect the animals.
    3) Yes, I have a Ginea pig and three
    5) I would be a BIRD, a MEERKAT, a MONKEY and the pink panther.

  3. We think that these rights are not respected in Argentina. We know a group call "Conciencia animal MDQ", they look after animals.
    Yes, we have dogs, their names are Reina, Ona y Luna. We like all the animals. If we were animals we would be white tigers because they are very beautiful.
