Saturday, June 1, 2013

Video: Five Ways To Listen

Watch the video and choose the best option.

1. What percentage of what we hear do we retain?
a.  25 %
b.  60 %
c. 100 %

2. Why does he say that "sonority is time and meaning" ?  
a. Because listening is a process of extraction.
b. Because sound places us in space and time. 
c. Because intention is very important in listening.

3. Why are we losing our listening? 
a. Because we have invented other ways of collecting information such as writing, audio and video recording.
b. Because the world now is not very noisy.
c. Because the art of conversation is being replaced by personal broadcasting.

Answer these questions:

1. Why does he say that losing our listening is a serious problem?
2. Can you mention the five exercises that he recommends to do to improve our own conscious listening?
3. Why does he say that every human being needs to listen consciously?
4. Do you like this video? Why /why not?
5. What strategies / techniques do you usually use to develop your listening skills in your mother tongue and in English?

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